Get a hassle‑free personal blog

Sign up to start an “old-fashioned” blog. Or a simpler “Twitter replacement.” Engage in true cross-site conversations1. All from the familiar WordPress interface.

Under the hood, runs WordPress Multisite. “Member sites2” are “IndieWeb-compatible” by default. I.e., posts are marked up with microformats and support Webmention.

Some features

Choose from a number of carefully selected themes, then use WordPress’ built-in Site Editor to make your site your own.

  1. Sites support IndieAuth and Micropub—and, thus, posting from Micropub apps.
  2. There are plans to eventually add ActivityPub. And Markdown support. And a built-in feed reader. And (optional) cross-posting to Mastodon.
  3. Use of a custom domain is highly encouraged!

Custom themes, (site-specific) plugins, or blocks upon request.

Migrating existing content is not supported, yet; new blogs only, for now. is a community project. We’re figuring this out as we go!
For that reason, new registrations are individually reviewed temporarily on hold.

Why would I choose over or or, or self-hosted WordPress?

We don’t know! You choose.

Speaking of, choice overload is one of the reasons people have a hard time getting started on the “social web” (whether that’s the IndieWeb or Fediverse or some other definition). aims to ease some of that burden.

  1. sites support the Webmention protocol. And they may one day support ActivityPub, too.
  2. If you can even call them that; there’s nothing that identifies a site as part of “the network.”